Church of God General Conference

Helping Churches. Spreading truth.

Founded in 1921, the Church of God General Conference (COGGC) is a denomination of churches active in North America, Central America, South America, the Caribbean, Asia, and Africa. Their largest concentrations of churches are in Mozambique (400), Malawi (100), and the United States (80). COGGC provides resources and support to pastors, churches, youth, missions, and the Atlanta Bible College. For more than a century now, they have provided a stable and experienced platform to help individuals and churches spread the truth about the kingdom gospel and the name of Jesus Christ.


The Church of God (COG) provides pastoral education and training through the Atlanta Bible College. Once prospective ministers graduate, they participate in a hands-on internship program, serving at a local church. Next they apply for licensing, which involves a comprehensive process that takes into account the applicant’s personal history, doctrinal beliefs, references, and the recommendation of their mentor. Once getting a license and finding a church to serve in, pastors are encouraged to join the annual ministers’ conference, the monthly prayer group via Zoom, and the Facebook group for mutual encouragement. Lastly, the ministerial leadership team provides a “pastor’s pastor” to provide individual confidential counseling.


Over more than a century of ministry, the COG has always and continues to provide a wide range of resources to member churches. These include low-interest loans, funding for building projects, church health surveys, and free background checks for volunteers. Churches also benefit from literary resources, including biblical articles (Restitution Herald), ministry updates (Progress Journal), Sunday school lessons (Adult Quarterly), evangelism tracts, as well as several in-house published books. Additionally, churches can participate in a wide range of events, including Christian Workers’ Seminar, FUEL, and General Conference. Also, the COG keeps track of the history of their churches and noteworthy individuals over the years through maintaining archives, holding the annual Heritage Conference, and publishing a biographical encyclopedia.


The most exciting week of the year for youth in the COG is FUEL. Held at Manchester University in Indiana, FUEL is a high-energy event with 200 teens and youth workers. Campers participate in sermons, classes, worship, sports, and lots of other activities. Counselors meet with the youth a couple of times each day to develop relationships and mentor them. In the fall and winter, youth can attend reFUEL and the Young Adult Getaway. Additionally, the Atlanta Bible College invites high-school students to stay on campus and attended classes during their annual invitational.


The missionary agency of the COGGC is called Lord’s Harvest International (LHI). The organization supports churches and individuals in ten countries around the world. Some of these are war-torn, others are afflicted with chronic governmental corruption, and still others have oppressive policies towards biblical Christianity. LHI sends missionaries on short-term trips, provides resources to build churches, helps with humanitarian support, and supplies translated literary resources, including Bibles, books, and tracts. For more information about LHI, visit

Atlanta Bible College

Currently there are two campuses in Georgia: (1) at McDonough the main building serves as the hub for English-speaking in-person and online instruction, (2) at Johns Creek the Korean extension provides classes in the Korean language. The goal is both to train future pastors as well as educate anyone who wants to know more about the Bible and Christianity. Students can earn a one year foundation certificate, an Associate’s degree, and/or a Bachelor’s degree with focuses in Bible, theology, or missions. Apply online or check out the fall semester schedule.

If you would like to learn more about the Church of God General Conference, visit them at You can sign up to receive the Restitution Herald either digitally or in the mail for free. If you would like to donate to the work they are doing, you can that here.

Personal Note

I would be remiss if I didn’t include a note about how much the COG has benefited me personally. Although I’m part of an independent ministry, I have benefited immensely from attending COG events, graduating from their Bible college, and associating with their pastors. The organization strikes the balance between providing support to those both inside and outside the denomination without controlling individuals or groups. The executive director, Seth Ross, is a competent leader who genuinely seeks to serve God courageously and authentically. I’m excited to see what the Church of God does now that they have begun their second century of ministry!

Unitarian Torch


The Unitarian Torch is the internet’s best place to learn about Hungarian Unitarian Christianity, a group that has survived repeated persecutions since it was founded in 1568 by Ferenc Dávid. He founded it as a restoration of the pure Christianity of Jesus. Surviving mainly in Transylvania, Romania, these Christians have preserved a rich legacy of unitarian sermons and orders of services, hymns, and stories.

The Unitarian Torch website represents Dr. Robert Kokenyesi’s effort to bring this unique group of Christians to the English-speaking world.

The Unitarian Torch’s three main objectives

  1. to serve the English-speaking Hungarian and Transylvanian diaspora by providing them with sermons translated into English
  2. to serve the English-speaking unitarian community by providing them with inspiration by making available orders of services as well as children’s literature (stories)
  3. to raise awareness about the uniqueness of the Transylvania Unitarian Church by explaining the organization of the church, holidays, and other hard-to-come-by aspects of the church

Dr. Kokenyesi is inspired by the example of Hungarian unitarianism’s survival amidst 450 years of enormous religious, economic, and political persecution. He hopes that by bringing this wealth of literature into the English language, many others will learn about this courageous group and likewise find inspiration and illumination.

Spirit & Truth

The UCA is delighted to again have Spirit & Truth as a Conference Partner.

Spirit & Truth provides Virtual Fellowships on Zoom multiple days each week. If you’re not part of a local congregation, consider attending one of their online fellowships, where you will meet fellow believers who want to pray, hear the Bible taught, and follow Christ together.

Spirit & Truth also produces invaluable resources for Bible study, Christian education, and spiritual growth. They have hundreds of teaching videos on the Biblical Unitarian YouTube Channel and Spirit & Truth YouTube Channel, as well as audio teachings on the Spirit & Truth Podcast and the Words of Wisdom Podcast.

One of their best resources is the Revised English Version (REV) Bible, a whole Bible translation that has been an ongoing project for over 20 years now. In addition to the translations, this project has produced an incredible amount of insightful commentary that particularly addresses difficult passages and traditionally misunderstood ones. The REV translation promotes important theological truths, such as belief in the Father as the one God, Jesus as God’s human Son and Messiah, the sleep of the dead, and the kingdom of God. Both the REV translation and the associated commentary can be viewed online or in the app. Check it out and try using the REV alongside other versions to further support your Bible study and enjoyment of the Scriptures.

I first encountered Spirit & Truth via their content-rich, long-running website I returned to this site often as I wrestled with disentangling my understanding of Scripture from the distortions of later church traditions. They popularized the helpful term “biblical unitarian” to convey the understanding that God is the Father alone, and that his unique Son Jesus is a man who did not literally pre-exist as a spirit or a “divine Person” before being miraculous conceived and born.

They have recently launched Spirit & Truth Kids, whose goal is to provide children’s books, curricula for parents to teach the Bible to their kids, and Christian resources for children, including coloring books, recommended TV shows, and much more. The first volumes of two different book series have been released, with a third series to be released in early 2024. Each series will see new volumes regularly released over the next couple of years. The two available now are Faith Lessons for Little Ones: Volume 1 and Oliver’s Tales: Seeking Wisdom. Click on a link to check them out. If you know anyone who has kids and would enjoy reading a children’s book from a trusted source where they won’t have to avoid certain sections or re-word sentences that contain errors from church tradition, send them the link and let them know about the Spirit & Truth Kids initiative.

Be sure to stop by the Spirit & Truth table to get to know them and to find out more about what they’re doing.

Compass Christian Church

We are thrilled to again have Compass Christian Church from Louisville, Kentucky, as a UCA Conference Partner. You may remember Pastor Will Barlow from his interview with Mark Cain on the UCA podcast (50. Church Plant) where he described how God had directed the formation of this new church. He described the process of faithful planning which took many months, coming to fruition in the Fall of 2022.

To connect with their group of husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, engineers, a nurse, soccer coaches, writers, programmers, Bible nerds (just to list a few), follow them on Facebook where they stream their services. And if you’re in the Louisville area, be sure to check out the Sunday morning service or another event at this dynamic, young church. I have been to a few services there, and I love Will’s preaching, the genuine worship, the welcoming believers, and the whole vision of the church.

We are overjoyed to have a local body of believers represented this year as a Conference Partner. May we return the blessing to them through our prayers and support. Be sure to stop by the table at the conference to meet them and find out how this church plant is going.

New Covenant Press

It’s a pleasure to welcome New Covenant Press as a first-time, 2023 UCA Conference Partner! New Covenant Press is a publisher of unique and well-researched theological titles including Little Known Facts About the Trinity, Christological Controversies in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and their most recent release, Scripturae Contra Trinitatem, which is Latin for “Writings Against the Trinity.”

Both the Christological Controversies and Scripturae Contra Trinitatem focus
on the Epistle to the Hebrews, and were inspired by John Locke, the 17th century Enlightenment thinker, philosopher, and physician. Locke once suggested that trinitarians themselves, unawares, have already disproved the doctrine of the Trinity: “There is scarcely one text alleged by the Trinitarians which is not otherwise expounded by their own writers . . .”

Locke claims that if you were to take each proof-text used by trinitarians to support the doctrine of the Trinity (e.g. John 1:1–18, Romans 9:5, Colossians 1:15–16, Titus 2:13, Hebrews 1:2–12), and broadly examine what trinitarian commentators, expositors, and scholars have written, you will discover in nearly every case, there exists a respectful number of dissenters within the trinitarian camp who argue against the “orthodox” interpretation, siding with unitarian Christians’ interpretations of these key texts.

Both Christological Controversies and Scripturae Contra Trinitatem are the fruit of investigating whether John Locke’s claim was correct as it applies to the NT epistle to the Hebrews. Watch for future editions in this series which examine other books of the Bible.

As for Little Known Facts About the Trinity, one reviewer said the author “hurls 38 succinct but devastating arguments against the doctrine of the Trinity.” It’s an easy read, very accessible to the average Christian, and is a great introduction and teaching tool if you want your trinitarian friends to better understand the unitarian

Thank you to New Covenant Press for partnering with us and for the excellent work furthering the truth of the singular and amazing God of our exalted Lord Jesus. Stop by their booth to see these books and more at #UCAcon2023.

Please Register ASAP

As I write this more than 150 people are registered for the third annual Unitarian Christian conference! We must give our “final” headcount to the awesome local caterers by the end of afternoon of Thursday, October 5, 2023—so please, if at all possible, register for the conference before then.  

We will still accept some registrations after that, but at some point the food will run short and you may have to pledge to be last in the food line. (And trust me, you don’t want to do that!) 

I’m looking forward to seeing new and old friends in Springfield, Ohio, October 19-21! To learn more about the conference and to register, go here.  

Living Hope

Living Hope is one unitarian Christian ministry with both a global vision and the diligence to bring it to life.  A network of biblical unitarian churches and home fellowships, LH has passionately pursued Christ’s mandate to make disciples of all nations through its teaching, missions, publishing, and church-planting programs.

One of the most significant aspects of Living Hope’s ministry is the wide variety of means by which it engages our world with the gospel, curating a range of educational content in the form of online classes, live-streams, recorded video series, podcasts, articles, and books (both in print and electronic).

From its headquarters in Latham, New York, USA, Pastor Sean Finnegan faithfully leads weekly church services, while large-scale community events welcome both LH members and also unitarian Christians from all backgrounds and denominations—countless families have been served by their annual Family Camp, Teen Camp, and Kingdom Fest (fantastic ways for unitarian groups and families to bond closer together and also to meet new like-minded believers!). LH also supports local fellowships in the U.S. (in the home and/or online), as well as global communities of unitarian Christian believers. Of special note is LH’s progress on the African continent.  In the Congo, for example, LH directly supports local ministers and coordinates an educational program for children. Earlier this year, Living Hope was also able to send $145,000 over to Pastor Armel Ngo in Brazzaville, Congo to build a church (and he is almost ready to hold regular services).

Living Hope has also debuted a new logo featuring a dove–a symbol of their commitment to the experience of the gifts of the spirit and the hope that came to Noah after the flood.  Their new website, the fruit of over two years of work, features a new environment for classes that keeps track of student progress, allows for short quizzes, and a discussion forum.  It also features a new map feature. Users of the site make accounts and mark themselves either explorers or members (both free). Explorers don’t necessarily agree with Living Hope’s statement of faith, but still want to use the site. Members agree with our beliefs and have the option to put themselves on the map. Similar to the UCA map, the Living Hope map allows people to find people in their area and directly get in contact with them. Because of the greater amount of doctrinal agreement to put oneself on the map, users are more likely to find people compatible for fellowship.

To help empower individuals to evangelize and lead bible studies with their friends and neighbors, Living Hope has also recently developed Forge studies. These free leader guides require no preparation and walk a small group through a chapter of the bible, a doctrine, or an aspect of Christian living. LH’s goal is to make it possible for individuals to become small groups; small groups to become sustainable home fellowships; and home fellowship to become healthy thriving churches.

How can you get connected to the incredible work that LHIM is doing for the message of the one God and his human son? LH’s resources include the Living Hope Webcasts (live-streamed church services), Weekly Bible Teachings, free online classes on a variety of biblical topics—all of which can be delivered to you via email updates so you don’t miss out on new content.

If you’d like to meet some of the invaluable talent behind LH’s efforts, including Pastor Sean Finnegan, stop by their booth at the UCA Conference.

A tremendous Thank You to Living Hope for both partnering with the UCA’s 2023 Conference and for standing alongside the UCA and its members to share the unitarian Christian message far and wide!

White vs. Tuggy debate: “Is Jesus Yahweh?” – March 9, 2024 in Houston, Texas

Back in 2017 I challenged Dr. James White to a debate. Now, God willing, it will happen, thanks to the efforts of host church Pastor Evan McClanahan. I am delighted to say that Unitarian Christian Alliance is co-sponsoring this debate. For those who can’t attend or catch the church’s livestream, you will eventually be able to see it on our excellent YouTube channel. Our topic will not be the Trinity, but rather the deity of Christ, in the form of the debate question Dr. White has chosen: “Is Jesus Yahweh?”

                I’ve been in a similar debate before (video, soon-to-be-reprinted book). In that debate I argued that a unitarian Christology is easily stated in the very words of Scripture, whereas any “two natures” theory depends on questionable inferences from what is actually written. I urged that my opponent Mr. Date was “reading between the lines,” whereas I was just reading the lines. I began by pointing out the obvious numerical distinctness of Jesus and God, summarized the clear New Testament teachings that Jesus is a very special man who is someone other than the one true God (a.k.a. the Father), and then explained the desperate morass which is traditional catholic “two natures” speculations.

                My approach will be different here. Dr. White has since his 1998 book endlessly hurled the accusation that every advocate for unitarian Christianity is “merely assuming” unitarianism and/or “merely assuming” that the human Jesus isn’t also divine. So I will argue in a style that undeniably does not assume such things. I will argue from more than a dozen facts about the New Testament, or rather classes of facts, each of which confirms the hypothesis that the authors believed that Jesus is a man who is not also divine over the hypothesis that they believed Jesus to be a “godman” (i.e. both human and divine). Dr. White has over the years urged that clearly it is “Philosophy” and not the New Testament which determines my views about God and Christ. But I will present a case for a non-divine, human Jesus which does not assume any controversial philosophical theses and which is based on a broad view of the whole New Testament, focusing on the many clear passages, and I will expose the many unjustifiable assumptions of Dr. White’s arguments for “the deity of Christ,” or as he prefers to say, that Jesus “is Yahweh.”

Tickets are available here; get them while they last!

Building Connections and Advancing Truth: New UCA Giving Options

The Unitarian Christian Alliance has been steadfast in its commitment of connecting unitarian Christians and promoting the teaching that God is singular, and Jesus is God’s son, our human Messiah. In pursuit of these vital objectives, the UCA is thrilled to introduce three new giving options, each providing a unique opportunity for donors to directly contribute to specific areas of our mission. These targeted funds allow you, our valued supporters, to actively participate in the growth of the UCA by investing in the initiatives that align most closely with your passions.

1. The International Conference Fund: Building Connections Worldwide

The UCA is committed to help forge relationships and share the truth among unitarian Christians, regardless of their geographical location. The International Conference Fund is designed to support efforts in hosting UCA Conferences outside of the United States. By contributing to this fund, you are helping us

  • Cover venue down payments and expenses
  • Offset meal costs
  • Provide financial assistance to attendees

Keeping conference costs low helps ensure that as many individuals as possible can attend and benefit from these events.

International UCA Conferences provide a remedy for the widespread isolation that afflicts so many, letting us come together to share, form friendships, and promote truth. Your support for the International Conference Fund directly contributes to these invaluable, in-person gatherings on a global scale.

2. The Marketing and Advertising Fund: Amplifying Our Message

Effective marketing and advertising are essential to reaching a broader audience with the truth. The Marketing and Advertising Fund is instrumental in

  • Creating compelling content
  • Promoting on various platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, and other online channels
  • Purchasing tools (e.g. animation software), and covering social media fees and other costs

Your support here directly translates into more people encountering the message of our marvelous, unique Creator and the extraordinary testimony of his authentically human son. It’s an investment in the future growth and impact of the UCA.

3. The Publishing Fund: Crafting Theological, Philosophical, and Historical Scholarship

Education is core to our mission, and the Publishing Fund plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal. This fund supports

  • Publishing and editing tools
  • Editing, design, and publishing costs
  • The valuable time of individuals like Dale Tuggy in creating high-quality and compelling books

When you contribute to the Publishing Fund, you become a partner in the dissemination of works designed to push back against the tumultuous slurry of Trinitarian academia and apologetics. Your support enables us to produce exemplary resources for those seeking to either deepen their understanding of unitarian Christianity, or to interrogate their own traditions.


The Unitarian Christian Alliance is excited to offer these three new giving options, empowering you to be directly involved in the areas that resonate most with you, ensuring that your giving goes exactly where you want to see truth flourish. These options exist in parallel with the UCA Operations Fund which is financed through membership subscriptions and other generous donations, and which covers website and podcast hosting, website development, and the annual UCA Conference.

Join us in building a brighter and bolder future for unitarian Christians where the truth of the Shema (Deut. 6:4) rings out, unmistakably clear and unhindered by traditional Christian speculations.

Registration is OPEN! UCA Conference: October 19-21, 2023

Tickets are NOW AVAILABLE for the third annual UCA Conference, in Springfield, Ohio, October 19-21, 2023!

You can register right HERE, right now!

The UCA Conference planning committee and the UCA Board of Directors have been hard at work bringing to life what is set to be a spectacular event full of fellowship, food, and teaching! This year, you’ll get the opportunity to network with like-minded believers; to learn about new ministries, projects, and opportunities; to be challenged by insightful academic presentations; and to be enriched by a variety of topical workshops hosted by Unitarian Christians from all over!

Please visit the Conference page for information and to register right away! And if you have contributed financially to the UCA, please use code “contributor” at checkout for a discount!

We can’t wait to see YOU in Springfield, Ohio this October 19-21!