Building Connections and Advancing Truth: New UCA Giving Options

The Unitarian Christian Alliance has been steadfast in its commitment of connecting unitarian Christians and promoting the teaching that God is singular, and Jesus is God’s son, our human Messiah. In pursuit of these vital objectives, the UCA is thrilled to introduce three new giving options, each providing a unique opportunity for donors to directly contribute to specific areas of our mission. These targeted funds allow you, our valued supporters, to actively participate in the growth of the UCA by investing in the initiatives that align most closely with your passions.

1. The International Conference Fund: Building Connections Worldwide

The UCA is committed to help forge relationships and share the truth among unitarian Christians, regardless of their geographical location. The International Conference Fund is designed to support efforts in hosting UCA Conferences outside of the United States. By contributing to this fund, you are helping us

  • Cover venue down payments and expenses
  • Offset meal costs
  • Provide financial assistance to attendees

Keeping conference costs low helps ensure that as many individuals as possible can attend and benefit from these events.

International UCA Conferences provide a remedy for the widespread isolation that afflicts so many, letting us come together to share, form friendships, and promote truth. Your support for the International Conference Fund directly contributes to these invaluable, in-person gatherings on a global scale.

2. The Marketing and Advertising Fund: Amplifying Our Message

Effective marketing and advertising are essential to reaching a broader audience with the truth. The Marketing and Advertising Fund is instrumental in

  • Creating compelling content
  • Promoting on various platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, and other online channels
  • Purchasing tools (e.g. animation software), and covering social media fees and other costs

Your support here directly translates into more people encountering the message of our marvelous, unique Creator and the extraordinary testimony of his authentically human son. It’s an investment in the future growth and impact of the UCA.

3. The Publishing Fund: Crafting Theological, Philosophical, and Historical Scholarship

Education is core to our mission, and the Publishing Fund plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal. This fund supports

  • Publishing and editing tools
  • Editing, design, and publishing costs
  • The valuable time of individuals like Dale Tuggy in creating high-quality and compelling books

When you contribute to the Publishing Fund, you become a partner in the dissemination of works designed to push back against the tumultuous slurry of Trinitarian academia and apologetics. Your support enables us to produce exemplary resources for those seeking to either deepen their understanding of unitarian Christianity, or to interrogate their own traditions.


The Unitarian Christian Alliance is excited to offer these three new giving options, empowering you to be directly involved in the areas that resonate most with you, ensuring that your giving goes exactly where you want to see truth flourish. These options exist in parallel with the UCA Operations Fund which is financed through membership subscriptions and other generous donations, and which covers website and podcast hosting, website development, and the annual UCA Conference.

Join us in building a brighter and bolder future for unitarian Christians where the truth of the Shema (Deut. 6:4) rings out, unmistakably clear and unhindered by traditional Christian speculations.

Introducing Regional UCA Conferences to Expand Connections Globally

The main UCA conference can only be in one location each year, so how can we facilitate in-person connections in other regions? Regional UCA Conferences! These conferences will be organized and hosted by a local group or church. The goals:

  1. Introduce the host group and their ministry to a wider audience.
  2. Allow UCA members within a region to gather and connect, experiencing similar elements of the main conference.

A UCA conference, by design, is not a denominational event. It’s an opportunity to connect with people from various backgrounds and practices and to advance the truth of the simple monotheism of our Lord Jesus.

A Regional UCA Conference is a partnership. The host group coordinates the details of the event, location, food, schedule, etc., and the UCA helps to promote it broadly, sends at least one board member, provides registration tools, and helps cover the expenses so the event is affordable.

These conferences will have some of the same features of the main conference, like ample time to visit, at least one scholarly or biblical presentation that advances the movement, and at least one practical workshop. The host group arranges the other activities of the event. For example, they may include other classes, panel discussions, roundtables, brainstorming sessions, Q&A, possibly offering a unique regional experience, other ways to get to know the host group and their ministries, or ways to learn more about each other.

If your group is interested, write Stacey Berger, our Conference Coordinator, will provide more information and help with questions.

We’re excited for the possibilities.