Have You Subscribed Yet on YouTube?

On March 13, 2020 we launched our first video on YouTube called “What Is the UCA?” Since then we have been releasing a new video each week. Our goal with these explainer videos is twofold:

  1. We want to evangelize Trinitarians and Oneness folks with the truth of who our God and his Son are. So many have never even heard of another way of thinking about Jesus’ identity and we want to change that.
  2. We want to to equip and train unitarian Christians so that they are stronger, better able to teach their friends and children, and prepared to discuss the issue with those who believe differently (whether hostile or friendly).

These videos take a tremendous amount of time and effort to put out so we want to be sure that you take advantage of them. Here are some ideas on how you can help out.

  1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and turn notifications on (bell icon). This will ensure that you will know when new videos come out.
  2. Share on social media. Whether you use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or something else, we need your help to get the word out. The more shares each video gets, the more exposure.
  3. Use these as teaching aids. Whether you are teaching your children, leading a Sunday school class, or preaching a sermon about God and Jesus, show these videos to help illustrate your points.
  4. Send in your ideas. If you have suggestions on what would make a great video, please shoot us an email (media@unitarianchristianalliance.org) and we’ll take it into consideration.
  5. Support us financially. We realize that so many of you are already signed up as annual or monthly contributors, and we are very thankful for the support we’ve already received. We are in the process of testing ads on Facebook and YouTube and have seen some promising results. However, we can do so much more if we have adequate funds to help. If you would like to give, please consider upgrading to a Supporting Member. Alternatively, you may make a donation here.

Together we are making a difference. The monotheism of Jesus is a truth whose time has come. Thank you for helping us get the word out and doing your part to share this glorious truth of our one God.

UCA Official Launch

The UCA Board of Directors is excited to announce our Official Launch over Social Media this week! 

In honor of the launch, the Board has recorded a special podcast episode introducing the world to the work and mission of the Unitarian Christian Alliance.  Here we explain the how the UCA came to be, what community and educational needs the organization is addressing, and, most importantly, how YOU can get involved. We also discuss our plans for the first UCA Conference at the end of this year. You certainly won’t want to miss out on this information!

The podcast is being simultaneously featured on both the Trinities podcast (here) and the Restitutio podcast (here), and we encourage you to share this episode out to your friends and family and help us broadcast this exciting launch across all social media platforms.

Many months of planning and prayer have gone into this launch, the development of the website, and the many UCA projects currently in the works. And the Board would like to thank all of our sponsors and members for the support and donations which have made this work possible.  We hope you enjoy the podcast, and will ultimately consider becoming a Member of the UCA, and even a Supporting Member, and will stand alongside of us as we connect unitarian believers and proclaim the truth of ONE GOD throughout the world!

Many Blessings,

Kegan A. Chandler
Vice Chair, UCA Board of Directors


Last August, the UCA Board of Directors had the pleasure of attending the CONVERGE event in northeastern Ohio, where several hundred unitarian Christians gathered from around the world to celebrate the one God.  It was an absolute joy to fellowship with so many like-minded believers. Good food, great music, and top-notch speakers likewise made this an unforgettable weekend!

We were thrilled that the event featured representation from so many different unitarian denominations, organizations, and churches, including the Church of God General Conference, Spirit and Truth Fellowship, Christian Disciples Church, Living Hope International, CenterPointe Church, Living Faith Church, and many more.  Some individual attendees we met had never had the opportunity to fellowship and worship with fellow unitarians, and expressed how much the event meant to them and their faith.  And that sort of testimony is precisely why we are so excited about the work of the Unitarian Christian Alliance.

In light of the Converge event’s mission to bring unitarians together, we could think of no better place to introduce people to the UCA. And at our booth in the exhibition hall, we had the chance to speak to dozens of Christians about the organization and the opportunity it provides unitarian believers and groups to network, form communities, and promote biblical theology.  Needless to say, excitement was in the air and we were thrilled to help many of the attendees sign up right there at the booth!

Did you or your group have the chance to attend Converge?  Are you interested in meeting with other unitarian Christians for fellowship and study?  Be on the lookout for announcements from the UCA about new opportunities to do just that.

Many blessings!

The UCA Board of Directors

Introducing the UCA!

It’s August 1st, 2019… And that means we’ve finally arrived at the soft-launch of the Unitarian Christian Alliance!

So what is the UCA and what does it do?

The Unitarian Christian Alliance is a brand new parachurch organization that seeks to promote unitarian theology and the building of like-minded communities of faith by facilitating an active network of unitarian churches, groups, and individuals, and by providing top-notch tools and resources to help advance the truth about the one God. Head on over to our page “What is the UCA?” to begin learning how the organization is working to making a difference in our world, and how YOU can be a part of it. After that, we hope you’ll hit the “Join” link in the top menu, and decide to add your name to our worldwide directory of unitarian Christians. Starting today, registration for (free) Membership accounts is open to the public!

Check back for announcements, feature updates, and new Member’s content. And don’t forget to Join! Trust us, you don’t want to miss out on what’s in store!

— The UCA Board of Directors