Compass Christian Church

We are thrilled to again have Compass Christian Church from Louisville, Kentucky, as a UCA Conference Partner. You may remember Pastor Will Barlow from his interview with Mark Cain on the UCA podcast (50. Church Plant) where he described how God had directed the formation of this new church. He described the process of faithful planning which took many months, coming to fruition in the Fall of 2022.

To connect with their group of husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, engineers, a nurse, soccer coaches, writers, programmers, Bible nerds (just to list a few), follow them on Facebook where they stream their services. And if you’re in the Louisville area, be sure to check out the Sunday morning service or another event at this dynamic, young church. I have been to a few services there, and I love Will’s preaching, the genuine worship, the welcoming believers, and the whole vision of the church.

We are overjoyed to have a local body of believers represented this year as a Conference Partner. May we return the blessing to them through our prayers and support. Be sure to stop by the table at the conference to meet them and find out how this church plant is going.

New Covenant Press

It’s a pleasure to welcome New Covenant Press as a first-time, 2023 UCA Conference Partner! New Covenant Press is a publisher of unique and well-researched theological titles including Little Known Facts About the Trinity, Christological Controversies in the Epistle to the Hebrews, and their most recent release, Scripturae Contra Trinitatem, which is Latin for “Writings Against the Trinity.”

Both the Christological Controversies and Scripturae Contra Trinitatem focus
on the Epistle to the Hebrews, and were inspired by John Locke, the 17th century Enlightenment thinker, philosopher, and physician. Locke once suggested that trinitarians themselves, unawares, have already disproved the doctrine of the Trinity: “There is scarcely one text alleged by the Trinitarians which is not otherwise expounded by their own writers . . .”

Locke claims that if you were to take each proof-text used by trinitarians to support the doctrine of the Trinity (e.g. John 1:1–18, Romans 9:5, Colossians 1:15–16, Titus 2:13, Hebrews 1:2–12), and broadly examine what trinitarian commentators, expositors, and scholars have written, you will discover in nearly every case, there exists a respectful number of dissenters within the trinitarian camp who argue against the “orthodox” interpretation, siding with unitarian Christians’ interpretations of these key texts.

Both Christological Controversies and Scripturae Contra Trinitatem are the fruit of investigating whether John Locke’s claim was correct as it applies to the NT epistle to the Hebrews. Watch for future editions in this series which examine other books of the Bible.

As for Little Known Facts About the Trinity, one reviewer said the author “hurls 38 succinct but devastating arguments against the doctrine of the Trinity.” It’s an easy read, very accessible to the average Christian, and is a great introduction and teaching tool if you want your trinitarian friends to better understand the unitarian

Thank you to New Covenant Press for partnering with us and for the excellent work furthering the truth of the singular and amazing God of our exalted Lord Jesus. Stop by their booth to see these books and more at #UCAcon2023.

Please Register ASAP

As I write this more than 150 people are registered for the third annual Unitarian Christian conference! We must give our “final” headcount to the awesome local caterers by the end of afternoon of Thursday, October 5, 2023—so please, if at all possible, register for the conference before then.  

We will still accept some registrations after that, but at some point the food will run short and you may have to pledge to be last in the food line. (And trust me, you don’t want to do that!) 

I’m looking forward to seeing new and old friends in Springfield, Ohio, October 19-21! To learn more about the conference and to register, go here.  

Living Hope

Living Hope is one unitarian Christian ministry with both a global vision and the diligence to bring it to life.  A network of biblical unitarian churches and home fellowships, LH has passionately pursued Christ’s mandate to make disciples of all nations through its teaching, missions, publishing, and church-planting programs.

One of the most significant aspects of Living Hope’s ministry is the wide variety of means by which it engages our world with the gospel, curating a range of educational content in the form of online classes, live-streams, recorded video series, podcasts, articles, and books (both in print and electronic).

From its headquarters in Latham, New York, USA, Pastor Sean Finnegan faithfully leads weekly church services, while large-scale community events welcome both LH members and also unitarian Christians from all backgrounds and denominations—countless families have been served by their annual Family Camp, Teen Camp, and Kingdom Fest (fantastic ways for unitarian groups and families to bond closer together and also to meet new like-minded believers!). LH also supports local fellowships in the U.S. (in the home and/or online), as well as global communities of unitarian Christian believers. Of special note is LH’s progress on the African continent.  In the Congo, for example, LH directly supports local ministers and coordinates an educational program for children. Earlier this year, Living Hope was also able to send $145,000 over to Pastor Armel Ngo in Brazzaville, Congo to build a church (and he is almost ready to hold regular services).

Living Hope has also debuted a new logo featuring a dove–a symbol of their commitment to the experience of the gifts of the spirit and the hope that came to Noah after the flood.  Their new website, the fruit of over two years of work, features a new environment for classes that keeps track of student progress, allows for short quizzes, and a discussion forum.  It also features a new map feature. Users of the site make accounts and mark themselves either explorers or members (both free). Explorers don’t necessarily agree with Living Hope’s statement of faith, but still want to use the site. Members agree with our beliefs and have the option to put themselves on the map. Similar to the UCA map, the Living Hope map allows people to find people in their area and directly get in contact with them. Because of the greater amount of doctrinal agreement to put oneself on the map, users are more likely to find people compatible for fellowship.

To help empower individuals to evangelize and lead bible studies with their friends and neighbors, Living Hope has also recently developed Forge studies. These free leader guides require no preparation and walk a small group through a chapter of the bible, a doctrine, or an aspect of Christian living. LH’s goal is to make it possible for individuals to become small groups; small groups to become sustainable home fellowships; and home fellowship to become healthy thriving churches.

How can you get connected to the incredible work that LHIM is doing for the message of the one God and his human son? LH’s resources include the Living Hope Webcasts (live-streamed church services), Weekly Bible Teachings, free online classes on a variety of biblical topics—all of which can be delivered to you via email updates so you don’t miss out on new content.

If you’d like to meet some of the invaluable talent behind LH’s efforts, including Pastor Sean Finnegan, stop by their booth at the UCA Conference.

A tremendous Thank You to Living Hope for both partnering with the UCA’s 2023 Conference and for standing alongside the UCA and its members to share the unitarian Christian message far and wide!

Registration is OPEN! UCA Conference: October 19-21, 2023

Tickets are NOW AVAILABLE for the third annual UCA Conference, in Springfield, Ohio, October 19-21, 2023!

You can register right HERE, right now!

The UCA Conference planning committee and the UCA Board of Directors have been hard at work bringing to life what is set to be a spectacular event full of fellowship, food, and teaching! This year, you’ll get the opportunity to network with like-minded believers; to learn about new ministries, projects, and opportunities; to be challenged by insightful academic presentations; and to be enriched by a variety of topical workshops hosted by Unitarian Christians from all over!

Please visit the Conference page for information and to register right away! And if you have contributed financially to the UCA, please use code “contributor” at checkout for a discount!

We can’t wait to see YOU in Springfield, Ohio this October 19-21!

Introducing Regional UCA Conferences to Expand Connections Globally

The main UCA conference can only be in one location each year, so how can we facilitate in-person connections in other regions? Regional UCA Conferences! These conferences will be organized and hosted by a local group or church. The goals:

  1. Introduce the host group and their ministry to a wider audience.
  2. Allow UCA members within a region to gather and connect, experiencing similar elements of the main conference.

A UCA conference, by design, is not a denominational event. It’s an opportunity to connect with people from various backgrounds and practices and to advance the truth of the simple monotheism of our Lord Jesus.

A Regional UCA Conference is a partnership. The host group coordinates the details of the event, location, food, schedule, etc., and the UCA helps to promote it broadly, sends at least one board member, provides registration tools, and helps cover the expenses so the event is affordable.

These conferences will have some of the same features of the main conference, like ample time to visit, at least one scholarly or biblical presentation that advances the movement, and at least one practical workshop. The host group arranges the other activities of the event. For example, they may include other classes, panel discussions, roundtables, brainstorming sessions, Q&A, possibly offering a unique regional experience, other ways to get to know the host group and their ministries, or ways to learn more about each other.

If your group is interested, write Stacey Berger, our Conference Coordinator, will provide more information and help with questions.

We’re excited for the possibilities.

Call for UCA Conference Papers: deadline of August 1, 2023

The Board of the Unitarian Christian Alliance is pleased to announce a general call for papers to be presented at the third annual UCA conference in Springfield, Ohio, October 1921, 2023. (Watch this blog for the opening of registration.)

  • The submission deadline is the end of the day (U.S. Eastern Standard / New York time) of August 1, 2023.
  • Please do not submit multiple papers.
  • Submissions will be blind-reviewed by a committee of three.
  • We are looking for scholarly (or at least: informed, insightful, and well-argued) papers which are also accessible to an educated lay audience on topics which can advance the cause of unitarian Christianity.
    • Topics may include but are not limited to: biblical theology, systematic theology, biblical studies, textual criticism, history of theology, history of unitarian Christianity, apologetics, Christian philosophy, analytic theology.
  • Authors may submit even if they are neither a member of the UCA nor a unitarian Christian.
  • Paper submissions must conform to the Chicago Manual of Style (Notes and Bibliography style, with footnotes and bibliography).
  • The main text should be no longer than 6,000 words, so that the presentation is no longer than 45 minutes.
    • Submitted papers longer than 6,000 (in the main text – so not including footnotes) will be automatically rejected. 
    • Authors should plan on about 10 minutes of audience Q&A after their talk. 
  • Papers may be read, although authors are encouraged to present the material in an engaging way.
    • Conference presentations will be video-recorded and may be posted on the UCA YouTube channel, and our social media committee may also snip out interesting “sound bites” for short videos. By submitting a paper, you agree that your presentation may be filmed and used in these ways by the UCA.
  • Still, a fully written paper must be submitted; an outline or proposal is not enough. 
  • Authors of accepted papers must supply a PowerPoint or Keynote or Google Slides (etc.) presentation to accompany their talk by the end of Friday, September 1, 2023. (This should be emailed to the address below.)
  • After removing any self-identifying features (e.g. your name, references to your other publications or other work), please email your submission to
    • Our conference coordinator will ensure that the papers are suitable for blind review and then pass them on to the committee.

The committee’s decisions will be emailed to authors by the end of Friday, August 15, 2023.

Save the date: UCA Conference 2023!

The UCA Board is pleased to announce that our third annual conference will be hosted again this year by the Lawrenceville Church of God in Springfield, Ohio! The venue is excellent and the hosts are gracious. Stay tuned for plans to expand the locations and reach of future conferences.

Registration will open in the coming weeks.

Check-in for the conference will begin at 4:00 p.m. EST on Thursday, October 19, 2023, and the conference will end with the last session after dinner on Saturday, October 21.

Last year, attendees had the opportunity to attend church on Sunday at one of the several unitarian Christian groups in the area. It was a positive experience for many, and it will be an option again this year.

If your unitarian group, ministry, etc. would benefit from an opportunity to gather in person (e.g. a board meeting), the host church has generously offered to make rooms available before the conference starts that Thursday. If your team is already coming to the conference, get some extra work done! Please contact us at

Watch this space for coming announcements about submitting a paper to be presented. The deadline for submissions will be August 1, 2023 (one month longer than last year).

We hope to see you there!

Nothing “Mere” about a Man in the Image of God

In this insightful presentation from the 2022 Unitarian Christian Alliance conference, Anna Shoffner Brown explains a biblical perspective on the dignity and value of human nature. Proponents of speculations about Jesus having “two natures” have traditionally derided human-only christology as involving “a mere man.” She shows why this lazy accusation is wrongheaded.

Compass Christian Church

Christian Centered Counseling

Sean Finnegan’s Restitutio podcast

2022 UCA Conference Videos Playlist

Allegiance to the King

Allegiance to the King is once again a UCA Conference Partner. A2K continues their work to connect and fellowship with people far and wide, building faithful followers of our King.

For isolated unitarian Christians, their Christian Virtual Fellowship has proven to be a significant blessing. Connecting over the internet can be difficult, but A2K has worked diligently to learn and grow through the process. They have a successful model. A2K has helped put together a workshop for this conference called “How to Create and Lead an Online Fellowship.” If you are coming to the conference and looking to benefit from the lessons learned by those who have gone before you, this workshop is for you.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Edgardo Gavino (54. This Fire in Me) from the Philippines on the UCA podcast this last May, 2022. The ministry that is taking place there is amazing, as is God’s utilization of the humble, supportive, and encouraging people of A2K who work with Edgardo.

A2K produces many teaching resources and makes them available online. Check out their website ( to peruse the hundreds of videos they have published on topics from Christian living, teachings on our God and his Messiah, and on the Kingdom of God.

Thanks to A2K for participating and supporting this conference. We are blessed to work alongside you.