Real People, Real Stories

We are delighted to announce the new official podcast of the Unitarian Christian Alliance: The UCA Podcast. A mix of interviews and original content, it is hosted by the friendly and sometimes impish Mark Cain.

The podcast is off to a very strong start. After some Introductions, we’re invited into The Perilous Trinity Deep Dive. Then we meet a faithful mom and lifelong Bible student and teacher. What happens when your grown kid comes home and announces that he no longer believes in the Trinity or that Jesus is God – and this because of the Bible, not despite it? Find out about the journey she embarked on, and how the situation was resolved (part 1, part 2, part 3). Next, Mark Cain explores when we feel like God has put a lump of coal in our stocking. After this, we meet a smart and ready to laugh young lady who was raised biblical unitarian and yet ended up working for the Colson Center. She finds out about the limits of evangelical ecumenism, and yet has fond memories of her time there.

As you listen, you will no doubt want to leave some spoken feedback for possible inclusion in an episode.

If you’re not sure what a podcast is, here is a beginner’s guide. I listen to many on my Android phone using this popular app; you just search for the name of the podcast and hit the Subscribe button. If you have an iPhone, it comes with a built-in podcast app. Either way, you just need to click a few buttons to subscribe. Many of us love to listen while commuting (playing through the car stereo using Bluetooth) or just working around the house. It is so much better than radio.

And if all else fails, you can just listen through this webpage on any computer or smartphone. Just find a triangular Play button and click it; you know, like ye olde tape recorder.

We look forward to hearing many of your voices and many of your stories!